Year 2

Summer 2, 2024!

Welcome back to our class and our final half term of learning in Year 2!

Start time – 8:40am     Pick-up time- 3:15pm

If you have any questions, concerns or worries, please contact us at and we will do our best to respond as soon as we can.

Please ensure that your child brings a labelled water bottle to school each day as well as ensuring that all items of your child's uniform is clearly labelled too. A healthy fruit snack is provided for all our Year 2 children. 

Arithmetic and comprehension homework will alternate and will be given out on a Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday. All returned homework will receive a golden ticket!

Please access our recent End of Key Stage 1 Assessment powerpoint by clicking on the link below.

Year 2 End of KS1 Assessment

Please access our recent Meet the teacher powerpoint by clicking on the link below.

Year 2 Meet the teacher

We are continuing to deliver the program to all year groups at school called myHappymind. myHappymind is all based around helping children to understand how their brain works and to support them in developing positive skills and habits to be their very best selves!

Please click on the link below to access an overview of what the program entails.

myHappymind Parent information

Please click on the links below to find out about how we teach Reading, Writing and Maths at Canon Popham C of E Primary Academy.

KS1 Reading Information For Parents 2022

KS1 Writing Information For Parents 2022

KS1 Maths Information For Parents 2022

Year 2 Expected Writing Word Mat


Our Geography theme this half term is 'How do explorers find their way around the world?

Our theme this half-term will focus on developing our geographical knowledge, skills and vocabulary. Through our study, we will develop our map reading skills. We will look at a range of maps and atlases, identifying Ordnance Survey symbols, use compass directions and use grid references to find different places on a map. We will further develop our knowledge of the United Kingdom by learning about specific cities and comparing them. All these skills will support us to create our own maps and routes in Edenthorpe.


Our writing this half term will be based on the book Grandad's Secret Giant by David Litchfield.

A GIANT story of belonging and friendship.

"He has hands the size of tables," Grandad said, " legs as long as drainpipes and feet as big as rowing boats. Do you know who I mean?"

" Yes," sighed Billy. " The Secret Giant. But he's not real!"

Billy doesn't believe his grandad when he tells him there's a giant living in his town, doing good deeds for everyone. He knows that a giant is too big to keep himself hidden. And why would he want to keep himself a secret? But as time goes on, Billy learns that some secrets are too BIG to stay secret for long...

This story of belonging and friendship teaches the importance of tolerance and acceptance to children.. 

In response to the book, we will engage in a variety of writing opportunities, including character descriptions, story writing, and diary  writing.

Phonics and Reading

As a school we follow the Read, Write, Inc programme to deliver our phonics teaching. During this half term, we will continue to work hard embedding our knowledge of phoneme / grapheme correspondence, as well as continuing to segment and blend. We have lots of information on our schools phonics page. 

For those children who have progressed from the RWInc phonics lessons, we will continue with our whole class reading lessons which are taught in the same style as KS2. We will focus on different skills throughout the week (vocabulary, retrieval, inference and sequencing) and how to answer different styles of questions.


This half term we will continue to develop our calculation strategies - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division - as well as finding fraction amounts, and exploring mass and capacity.

This half term we will also be focusing on knowing and remembering our Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) for Summer.  Please click on the link below for Year 2 Summer KIRFs.

Year 2 Summer KIRFs

If you have any questions about these areas of Maths please don’t hesitate to come and speak to us.


In RE, we will study Judaism and explore the question 'What is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God?' We will learn how Jews show their commitment to God through good works and rites of passage. 


Our science theme this half term is Growing Healthy Plants. In this module, we will:
● further develop knowledge about how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy by performing simple tests and recording our observations in order to answer questions.

Art and Design - Textiles

We will be continuing to use Henri Rousseau's painting Tiger in a Tropical Storm as inspiration for our learning. This learning builds on weaving techniques and we will use stiches to join fabric and use applique to add depth to creative designs.

Design and Technology - Food

In our learning, we will explore a range of common fruit and vegetables, undertaking sensory activities i.e. appearance taste and smell. We will further develop our chopping and cutting skills using soft fruit and vegetables using appropriate utensils.  Using the Eatwell plate guide, we will design and make our own fruity pizzas!
P.E. - Athletics

In PE our focus is Athletics. In this unit, we will focus on learn how to run with varied pace and speed with a basic technique over different distances. We will develop our posture and balance to develop running skills. We will also practise in preparation for our sports day. 

Our PE day is Friday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct P.E kit and brings their school uniform to change into after their lesson. If your child wears earrings, these must be removed or provide tape to cover them. Ensure long hair is tied back away from the face.

 P.S.H.E. - Enterprise - Fiver Challenge

In P.S.H.E. our focus is Enterprise. We will be taking part in the 'Fiver Challenge' where we will first pledge to borrow £5. Next, we will decide on a product and come up with a business logo and name. To develop our enterprise skills, we will carry out market research and create a business plan thinking about our budget and shopping list. We will advertise and make our product. Furthermore, we will sell our product, calculate our profits and pay back our £5 loan. Finally, we will decide how to use the profits we have made.

Computing – Programming - Scratch Junior 

In our learning, we will explore a new application and explain what the blocks on Scratch Junior do and use them for a purpose. We will recognise a loop in coding and understand why it is useful. We will use a code to create an animation of a moving animal and use the code to follow and create an algorithm. Finally, we will program code to run 'on tap' and explain the role of the blocks in the program they have created.


Our musical theme is Our big concert. Throughout our learning, we will continue to follow a beat, creating a faster or slower pace (tempo). We will also practise, rehearse and then perform our songs to an audience with confidence.

NUMBOTs – Every day 10 minutes

NUMBOTs is an on-line programme to boost addition and subtraction skills. It is available on a range of devices, including mobile phones. You can play online at NUMBOTs Game or download the NUMBOTs app. Playing little and often will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in maths so we are excited by the impact NUMBOTs will have. In order to get the best out of NUMBOTs children should regularly play for short bursts of time over the week, there are 18 stages to complete!

If you have misplaced your log in details or are having trouble accessing the website, please email me to let us know.


READING – Every day 10 minutes

Please continue to enjoy your reading each day. Reading is fun and a great way to spend time together with your family, as well as developing our imaginations.  Encourage your child to talk about what they have read and ask them a question or two about the book. This will help consolidate their comprehension work in school. Adults please remember to record what your child reads at home in their reading record. We will count all entries in the reading diaries weekly and award golden tickets to those who have read 20 times or more in a month.

Our book change day is Friday.

OXFORD OWL – One book a week


Oxford Owl is an e-book library to boost reading skills. Once your book has been read there is a short fun quiz to complete afterwards. Children will receive a golden ticket for every book they complete. Click on the link below to access Oxford Owl;

Oxford Owl for School and Home.

If you have misplaced your log in details or are having trouble accessing the website, please email me to let me know.

As always, thank you for your continued support with your child’s learning.

Mrs Milnes, Mrs Margetts, Mrs Jones, Mrs Stewardson and Mrs Watson