Year 1


Summer 2, 2024

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely break! We have lots of exciting learning planned for the next half term and we can't wait to get started.

Start time – 8:40am                        Pick-up time- 3:15pm

A fruit snack is provided every day for our Year 1 children. Alternatively, children may bring their own fruit (no bananas). Please ensure that your child brings a named water bottle to school each day and that sun cream is applied before coming to school. Also, please ensure all items of uniform are clearly labelled.

If you have any questions, concerns or worries, please contact me at and I will do my best to respond as soon as I can.

Please click on the link below to access our recent Year 1 Meet the teacher meeting.

Year 1 Meet the teacher

Parent information and meeting

Please click on the links below to find out about how we teach Reading, Writing and Maths at Canon Popham C of E Primary Academy.

KS1 Maths Information For Parents 2022/2023

KS1 Reading Information For Parents 2022/2023

KS1 Writing Information For Parents 2022/2023


This term we are continuing to deliver a program to all year groups at school called myHappymind. myHappymind is all based around helping children to understand how their brain works and to support them in developing positive skills and habits to be their very best selves!

Please click on the link below to access an overview of what the program entails.

myHappymind Parent information

Please click on the link below to access resources regarding our recent Year 1 2024 Phonics Screen Check Parent Meeting

RWI Sound Mat

RWI Phonic Screening Check

2024 Year 1 Phonic Screening Check Parent Meeting

Here is what we will be learning this half term: 

Curriculum focus: Geography - Weather and Seasonal Change


Our theme this half term will focus on developing our geographical knowledge, skills, and vocabulary. Through our study, we will learn to identify different types of weather and learn about the types of weather we experience in the UK. We will extend our learning by developing our knowledge of seasons and categorising which weather type happens in each season. We will explore why seasons happen, making links to the earth's orbit and tilt.

English – Reading 


 As a school we follow the Read, Write, Inc programme to deliver our phonics teaching.

Please access the links below to learn how and why we teach phonics in our school.

What is Read, Write Inc Phonics?

Pronouncing the sounds

Understanding phonics

RWI Sound Mat

We also have lots of information on our schools phonics page which you can access here.

English – Writing

 Our writing this half term will be based on the book Goldilocks and Just the One Bear by Leigh Hodkinson.



Goldilocks is now grown up with a family and a rather smart apartment, so how will she react to coming home and finding that a very lost bear has been scoffing porridge, breaking chairs, and sleeping in beds? Will she be cross, or is it time to finally make amends?

This clever twist of an old-time favourite book follows the eventful journey of a lost bear. Many years have passed since Goldilocks caused chaos at the Bear's house in the woods, but what happens when Little Bear wanders out of his fairy tale and into...

In response to the text, we will engage in a variety of writing opportunities including poem writing, setting descriptions, diary entries, biographies, and story writing.


We use our Read Write Inc. phonics knowledge to help us to spell when we are writing. Some words do not follow our spelling rules and we just have to learn them. The link below shows the words which appear frequently in our reading and writing. Year 1 are working towards being able to read and write these words by the end of the year.



 Our handwriting links to our Read, Write Inc learning. Each letter has a phrase which helps us to remember how to form the letters. You can find a copy of this here: sounds with handwriting phrase

We use a print style handwriting in year 1. Please try to encourage your child to use this when they are completing any written home learning tasks, ensuring letters are the correct size with clear ascenders (e.g. b, d, h) and descenders (e.g. g, j p).

Please click here to see the ascenders and descenders: 

How to write letters

An ascender is the upwards part of a letter that exceeds the mean line of font and goes up to the top red line on our handwriting lines. They are used in handwriting and help to recognise letters. Examples of ascenders are uppercase letters and some lower case letters. The lower case letters that are ascenders are: ‘b, d, f, h, i, j, k, l, t’.

The opposite of an ascender is a descender, letters that have a portion of the letter going below the baseline, which is the lowest blue line on our handwriting lines. Descenders go down to the lower red line on our handwriting lines. The letters that are descenders are: ‘g, j, p, q, y’.

All the other letters ‘a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z’ sit between the two blue lines on our handwriting lines.

If you would like to use the handwriting lines which we use in school, these can be downloaded and printed here:

Portrait handwriting lines

Landscape handwriting lines


This half term we will be developing our knowledge of multiplication and division, as well as exploring capacity and volume.

We will continue to focus on knowing and remembering our Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs). More information about our school KIRFs can be found here Our Maths Page.

Please click on the link below for Year 1 KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts), we are currently working on Summer 2. By the end of this half term, children should know their number bonds for each number up to 20.


If you have any questions about these areas of Maths please do not hesitate to come and speak to us.

KS1 Number Games  

A booklet with number games to help practice and apply mathematical skills.

R.E. – Chanukah - Does celebrating Chanukah make Jewish people feel closer to God?

In RE, we will study Judaism and explore the question 'Does celebrating Chanukah make Jewish people feel closer to God?' We will learn to empathise with Jewish children by understanding how it feels to take part in Chanukah activities. We will understand what is meant by 'celebration' and make links to the events that we celebrate.

Science – Identifying  plants and their parts


In our learning we will learn to:

  • identify and name a variety of wild and garden plants around our school
  • identify and name the parts of a plant that grows above the ground and below the ground
  • understand and describe why trees are plants
  • identify similarities and differences between plants that have flowers.


Design and Technology – Mechanisms - Wheels and Axles


In our lessons, we will discuss and explore different types of mechanisms, focusing on wheels and axles. We will develop our understanding by looking at products with mechanisms such as tractors, wheel barrows, wheel chairs, bikes, and skateboards. Finally, we will have a go at making our own mechanism.

Computing – Data Handling - Introduction to data


In our computing lessons this half term, we will learn how to explore and tinker with hardware to find out how it works and recognise that some devices are input devices and some are output devices. We will learn where keys are located on a keyboard and develop control of the mouse through dragging, clicking, and resizing images to create different effects. Furthermore, we will develop an understanding that technology can be used to represent data in different ways by exploring pictograms, tables, pie charts, bar charts, and block graphs. 

In PE our focus is Athletics. In this unit, we will focus on learning how to run with varied pace and speed with a basic technique over different distances. We will develop our posture and balance to develop running skills. We will also practice in preparation for our sports day.

Our PE day is Friday. Please ensure that your child brings their correct (named) P.E. kit to school on that day to change into after lunch. For health and safety reasons, please can children remove jewellery on PE day or provide plasters to cover earrings if this is not possible and ensure long hair is tied back away from the face.

P.S.H.E. - Enterprise - Fiver Challenge

In P.S.H.E. our focus is Enterprise. We will be taking part in the 'Fiver Challenge' where we will first pledge to borrow £5. Next, we will decide on a product and come up with a business logo and name. We will carry out market research before deciding on a final product. To develop our enterprise skills, we will create a business plan thinking about our budget and shopping list. We will advertise and make our product. Furthermore, we will sell our product, calculate our profits, and pay back our £5 loan. Finally, we will decide how to use the profits we have made.

Music - Let's perform together!

Our music theme is 'Let's perform together!' Singing, dancing, and playing together is called performing. Performing together is great fun! We will plan a concert together to celebrate all the songs we have learnt in Year 1.

NUMBOTs – Every day 10 minutes

 NumBots is an on-line programme to boost addition and subtraction skills. It is available on a range of devices, you can play online at Numbots Game or download the Numbots app. Playing little and often will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in maths so we are excited by the impact Numbots will have. In order to get the best out of NumBots children should regularly play for short bursts of time over the week. Children will receive a golden ticket for accessing their Numbots for 15minutes or more each week.

If you have misplaced your log in details or are having trouble accessing the website, please email me to let me know.


READING – Every day 10 minutes

Please continue to enjoy your reading each day. Reading is fun and a great way to spend time together with your family, as well as developing our imaginations. Encourage your child to talk about what they have read and ask them a question or two about the book. This will help consolidate their comprehension work in school. Adults, please remember to record what your child reads at home in their reading record. We will count all entries in the reading diaries and award golden tickets to those who have read 20 times or more in a month.

Please send your child's reading book and reading record to school each day. We love to hear the children read in school and this will support us to promote reading throughout the day.

Our book change day is Friday.


OXFORD OWL – One book a week

Oxford Owl is an e-book library to boost reading skills. Once your book has been read there is a short fun quiz to complete afterwards. Children will receive a golden ticket for every book they complete. Click on the link below to access Oxford Owl;

Oxford Owl for School and Home.

If you have misplaced your log in details or are having trouble accessing the website, please email me to let me know.


As always, thank you for your continued support with your child’s learning.

Mrs Slack - Teacher

Mrs Holmes, Miss Smith and Mrs Jones - LSA's