Year 4


Maths and Writing information for Year 4 parents.

Writing in LKS2 Year 4

Maths Calculations LKS2 Y4

Multiplication  Check 

Please find attached the power point slides used from the parents information meeting. For any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email or speak to a member of staff in school.

Multiplication Check Meeting

Links to online resources.

URBrainy - URBrainy

Top Marks (Hit the button) - Hit the button

Times Table Rockstars - TT rockstars

Please let me know if you would like any paper resources to support your child with their timestables

Summer 1 and 2  KIRFS

We will be consolidating our knowledge of the times tables up to 12 x 12 in Summer 1 in preparation for our Multiplication check. We will be practising this through games and worksheets as well as URBrainey.

In Summer 2 we will consolidate our knowledge of dividing and multiplying by 10 and 100.

Year 4 Summer KIRFS 


Welcome to Year 4

Beginning of year meeting  Please find attached the beginning of year meeting slides.

Weekly homework is due on a Monday.

Reading diaries will be checked every Thursday. Please ensure you read between 4 and 5 times a week in order to achieve golden tickets within school.

PE kits to be worn to school on a Friday with school uniform in a bag.

Summer term 1   - What we are learning


This term in maths we are learning measurements, solving measurement and money problems, shapes and symmetry

Measurements -   We will be measuring the perimeter of rectilinear shapes by adding every side together as well as finding missing lengths. We will also be calculating the area of a shape by counting the number of squares inside the shape.

Solving measurement and money problems - We will be learning how to convert between different units of measure such as cm, m and km and looking at these problems within real life scenarios in maths. We will also be recapping money and answering problems about how much change may be given.

Shapes and symmetry -  We will be learning about different types of angles found in different 2D shapes as well as learning about the different types of 2D shapes in maths such as different types of triangles (equilateral, right angle and isosceles). As well as developing our understanding of symmetry.

It would be greatly appreciated if times tables can be practised at home also - such as using times table rockstars. This will help the children for their Multiplication Test in May/June 2024.


This term our focus will be reading the books 'Where the forest meets the sea' and 'Jungle Explorer'.

At the end of our unit we will write our own information board about animals that live in the Daintree rainforest.

We will be learning:

- How to change our grammar and vocabulary dependent on the writing composed. 

- Accurately use pronouns and nouns in sentences. 

- Use paragraphs to organise information and ideas around a theme. 

- Indicate possession by using possessive apostrophes with a plural noun.

- Identify the difference between plural and possessive 's'.


We will be learning tennis skills on a Friday morning.


Why should we remember Emmeline Pankhurst?

We will be learning about how life was like for women before the 20th century and how Emmeline Pankhurst and the suffragettes made a significant change which impacts our lives today.



This term we will focus on how sound is made and how we hear sound.


What is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God?

We will be learning in RE about other ways in which Jew's show their commitment to God and evaluate how we believe the best way they can show commitment.


This term in PSHE we will be looking at spending habits and how they inform our decisions.


In Music we are learning how to play the glockenspiel and recorder, familiarising ourselves how to play an instrument. As well as understanding notes on a music sheet. At the end of the unit we will compose our own interpretation of songs which we have been using.


In French we are learning about habitats.


In Art we will be researching different artists who create sculptures and understand how different sculptures are made. We will design our own sculpture in the style of Antony Gormley. We will also be visiting the Yorkshire Sculpture park to observe real life sculptures and further create art.


Any Questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email at

Miss Westwood, Mrs Creighton and Mrs Stewardson