Year 4


Maths and Writing information for Year 4 parents.

Writing in LKS2 Year 4

Maths Calculations LKS2 Y4

Multiplication  Check 

Please find attached the power point slides used from the parents information meeting. For any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email or speak to a member of staff in school.

Multiplication Check Meeting

Links to online resources.

URBrainy - URBrainy

Top Marks (Hit the button) - Hit the button

Times Table Rockstars - TT rockstars

Please let me know if you would like any paper resources to support your child with their timestables

Summer 1 and 2  KIRFS

We will be consolidating our knowledge of the times tables up to 12 x 12 in Summer 1 in preparation for our Multiplication check. We will be practising this through games and worksheets as well as URBrainey.

In Summer 2 we will consolidate our knowledge of dividing and multiplying by 10 and 100.

Year 4 Summer KIRFS 


Welcome to Year 4

Beginning of year meeting  Please find attached the beginning of year meeting slides.

Weekly homework is due on a Monday.

Reading diaries will be checked every Thursday. Please ensure you read between 4 and 5 times a week in order to achieve golden tickets within school.

PE kits to be worn to school on a Friday with school uniform in a bag.

Summer term 2   - What we are learning


This term in maths we are learning  shapes and symmetry, co-ordinates, Number scripts and properties of 3D shapes

Shapes and symmetry -  We will be learning about different types of angles found in different 2D shapes as well as learning about the different types of 2D shapes in maths such as different types of triangles (equilateral, right angle and isosceles). As well as developing our understanding of symmetry.

Co-ordinates - We will be learning how to read coordinates on a graph as well as learning how to plot our own coordinates. Later in the unit we will learn how to translate coordinates on the graph.

Number scripts - We will be recapping and learning about number formation such as roman numerals.

Properties of 3D Shapes - We will be learning and looking at different types of 3D shapes and identifying what makes these 3D shapes a 3D shape.

It would be greatly appreciated if times tables can be practised at home also - such as using times table rockstars. This will help the children for their Multiplication Test in May/June 2024.


This term our focus will be reading the book 'Blue John'. The story is a fictional book which allows children to learn about what it like inside of a cave.

At the end of our unit we will write a letter to explain how caves are created as well as fossils, stalactites and stalagmites are formed.

We will be learning: 

- Use paragraphs to organise information and ideas around a theme. 

- Developing our vocabulary using technical terms 

- Using adverbs and subordinate conjunctions. 


We will be developing our Athletic skills on a Thursday morning.


Volcanoes, Mountains and Earthquakes

We will be learning about different types of mountains and volcanoes found in the world as well as their key features. We will look at how volcanoes are formed and how the earth's layer has an impact on volcanoes. 


Classification of Plants and animals

This term we will focus on how and why animals are classified the way they are by observable characteristics. We will look at a range of different organisms and classify these ourselves.


Does a Christian have to go to church to show they are Christian?

We will be learning in RE about the reasons Christians go to church and evaluate whether we believe a Christian has to go to church.


This term in PSHE we will be completing the £5 enterprise challenge


In Music we are learning how to play the glockenspiel and recorder, familiarising ourselves how to play an instrument. As well as understanding notes on a music sheet. At the end of the unit we will compose our own interpretation of songs which we have been using.


In French we are learning about the classroom.

D and T

In D and T we will be designing and creating our own torches which are to be used inside a cave to allow tourists to explore (Blue John English link). We will evaluate our torches and how well they worked.


Any Questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email at

Miss Westwood, Mrs Creighton and Mrs Stewardson