Year 6

Maths Calculations – Year 5 & 6English  Information- Year 5 and 6


Welcome to the y6 class page. Please see below for a summary of what we will be learning this half term. 

Please contact Mrs Johnson and Mrs Wilkinson for any additional information.



Y6 will be reading the story ‘Sky Chasers’  by Emma Carroll and from this will go on to write their own poetry and adventure story showcasing the pupils’ abilities to write from a range of view points and utilise all the grammar and punctuation skills learned over the year.

We will also be reading the text  ‘The final Year’.



Healthy Bodies

We will be looking at the ways in which we can keep our bodies healthy through diet, exercise and the impact that smoking and vaping can have.


Y6 will learn about the components of circuit and how to construct a series circuit. They will investigate what will make a buzzer lounder or quieter and what can affect the brightness of a bulb.


History— Maya Civilisation

In this unit pupils will get an overview of the history of the Maya Civilization, with a particular focus on the period leading up to the height of the civilization in AD 900. Pupils will use a range of evidence sources  to learn about the life of the Maya and  will contrast their understanding with comparable points of British history.


Geography  - Trade and Economics

In this unit, the children find out about how goods and services are traded around the world. They will explore the UK's trade links today and in the past, finding out about goods imported and exported and the methods of transport used. Through a more detailed look at one of the UK's trade partners, the children will learn about the benefits of trading internationally, as well as the risks to this area. The children will also learn about fair trade and why it is important in a global market.



We will be asking the question ‘Does belief in Akhirah (life after death) help Muslims lead better lives?’ We will learn that the concept of Jihad can be interpreted differently leading to different actions and consequences. 


MFL  - Manger et Bouger (Healthy lifestyle)

Pupils will learning how to read, write and say the names of healthy and unhealthy foods and activities, progressing to building increasingly complex sentences . Pupils will read and follow a simple recipe given in French.


PE—Field games and athletics

PSHE—Financial and enterprise skills

Y6 will learn about budgeting and emotional well-being in relation to money. We will participate in the whole school ‘Fiver Challenge’ where pupils will design, cost and produce a product to sell at the summer fair in the hope of making a profit and being able to repay the £5 investment!


We will learn how to play the full octave range of notes on a recorder, learning the duration of notes including crotchets, quavers, minims and semi-breves. We will learn to play simple tunes and work in groups on our own compositions.


Computing  - Creating media

Using the app ‘Sound Trap’ we will learn how to record sounds and add in sound effects over the top and  produce a simple radio play with some special effects and simple edits.


Design technology 

Structures  - We will explore frames structures and how triangulation can add strength.

Food technology  - We will explore the idea of seasonality ad produce and seasonally relevant dish.