Year 6

Maths Calculations – Year 5 & 6English  Information- Year 5 and 6


Welcome to the y6 class page. Please see below for a summary of what we will be learning this half term. 

Please contact Mrs Johnson and Mrs Wilkinson for any additional information.



The year 6 curriculum - Spring 1 


Using the classic text ‘The Selfish Giant’ by Oscar Wilde, pupils will learn a range of writing skills including being able to:

1) Distinguish between the language of speech and writing
2) Recognise vocabulary and structures for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms
3) Use passive verbs
4) Use semi-colons to mark boundaries between independent clauses

Pupils will work towards a retelling of the story in either the first or third person and will also plan, draft and write an explanation text - A guide for humans in a giant world. 


Strengthening fluency in key arithmetic skills will be priority this half term. Pupils will consolidate their ability to calculate accurately and efficiently using all four operation including formal and informal methods; calculating with decimals, percentages and fractions and applying their understanding of the order of operations (BIDMAS). 

Pupils will revise the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes; revisit how to measure and draw different shapes and angles; develop precision with drawing reflections and translations; recap and convert between different metric measurements. 

Pupils will focus on how to problems solve and reasoning within the different areas of the maths curriculum. 



This term we will be learning about Ancient Egypt and considering what the greatest achievements were from this time period. 

Pupils will learn how to locate this period chronologically against other known periods of history as well as sequence key events within this era. Pupils will learn about daily life, considering the role artefacts have in helping historians to know more about the past. Pupils consider the significance of developments within this period and the legacy they had. 



 This half term we will be developing our understanding of the Christian concept of Salvation asking ' Is anything eternal?' In this unit we will learn to evaluate different beliefs about eternity and to understand the Christian perspective on this.


Printing  -  The children will build on their knowledge of printing with found objects (FS1), creating collographs in relief (Y3), to explore further printing techniques in mono, relief with foam and lino. We will look at and take inspiration from the artist, William Morris, and will explore the use of print in Islamic art. 



 We will be asking the question “How do I save a life?” exploring safe and appropriate ways to respond in emergency situations including rail, road and fire safety. 

We will then look at "How can I be a great citizen?" exploring ways we can consider and accommodate the needs of others for a more inclusive society. 


We will be learning how to code using Python. 


Le weekend 

Y6 pupils will learn to construct sentences saying what they like doing on the weekend and will say what they intend to do and when, telling the time in French using quarter past, half past and quarter to.


Our PE focus will be Basket ball. PE will take place each Thursday - please bring suitable indoor/ outdoor kit. 


We will continue to develop our musical skills, learning to read and play music on the recorder. Pupils will continue to read simple notation, understanding the duration and pitch of notes. 


Year 6 pupils will be set two pieces of homework (English and Maths) each week. To make this easy to manage, both pieces of homework will be set on Friday, due in on the following Thursday. Homework help is always available - pupils just need to ask for help from a y6 adult before the due date.

Pupils will be asked to practise a personalised set of spellings each week, ready for a spelling test each Wednesday. 

Please ensure that children read 5 times per week at home and bring their book and reading diary into school daily (Diary monitoring will take place on a Thursday).