Year 5

Welcome to Year 5's class page.

Beginning of Year Meeting

Maths Calculations Parents' Guidance

English Information- Year 5 and 6

Here is a summary of what we will be learning in summer term one. 


In Summer 1, we will be reading The Paperbag Prince by Colin Thompson.
The Paperbag Prince is an old man living in a railway carriage on a rubbish dump. But he knows that even rubbish can sometimes contain treasure, and that if he stays long enough, gentle nature will heal the countryside and make the green come again.


Each week, our reading lessons will focus in a new short reading text, covering a range of text types that link to our learning across the curriculum. We will develop the six key reading skills (VIPERS) - Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval, Summary as well as improving fluency and prosody. 

Writing outcome:
To write a persuasive leaflet to give information about waste management (selecting an
appropriate audience e.g. for councils to distribute to home and schools)
Greater depth writing outcome:
To write an oral presentation for a TV or online broadcast (vlog) as an expert.


Year 5 Summer Key Recall Facts (KIRFS)


Coordinates in all four
Translation and reflection
Calculate intervals across zero as a context for negative numbers

Converting units of measure

Convert between metric units of length, mass and capacity and units of time
Know and use approximate conversion between imperial and metric

Calculating with whole numbers and decimals

Mental strategies to add and subtract involving decimals
Formal written strategies to add, subtract and multiply involving decimals
Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 involving decimals
Derive multiplication facts involving decimals


Separating mixtures and changing materials

Overview: Separating mixtures and changing materials is a Chemistry topic.

In this module, children will learn:

●        that some materials dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution

●        to use knowledge of solids, liquids, and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating

●        to demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes

●        to explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda.


What influence have the Ancient Greeks had on our life today?

Who were the Ancient Greeks?

Why were Athens and Sparta so different?

What were the Ancient Greek gods known for?

What happened at the Ancient Greek Olympic Games?

What was daily life like for children in Ancient Greece?

How significant is the legacy of Ancient Greece for life today?



·       Understand the key facts of the ancient and modern Olympics recounted in French.

·       Learn 10 nouns and articles for common Olympic sports.

·       Explore the full present tense conjugation of the high frequency verb FAIRE.

·       Look at the adjectival changes involved when you describe a male Olympian or female Olympian.

Computing - stop Motion Animation

Storyboarding ideas, taking photographs and editing to create a video animation.


My happy Mind- Appreciate


This Module is all about children showing gratitude and how this can make us feel amazing!


Hinduism: Do beliefs in Karma, Samsara and Moksha help Hindus lead good lives?


PE will be on Thursdays- Tennis


Please ensure that your child brings their correct (named) P.E. kit to to change into at school. If your child wears earrings, these must be removed or provide tape to cover them.

Art- Textiles

This unit builds on the children’s skills and knowledge of textiles, use of applique, running and overstitch and simple use of dye, to use of batik, more complex stiches and use of embellishments.




Maths- Given out every TUESDAY  to be handed in by the following MONDAY.

Week days – Reading homework – 15 mins each day signed in the home reading record books – 20 times a month reading homework is expected in Key Stage 2. Books will be checked every THURSDAY.

Reading records must be returned to school on THURSDAY morning.

If you have any questions, worries or concerns please contact me using the class email:

Thank you.

Mrs N. Clemitshaw &  Mrs H. Mumford