30 hours Funding Scheme

Information regarding Funding hours

30 Hours Funding and Top up sessions

At Canon Popham Primary Academy we are able to offer 30 hours funded places for working parents as well as top up sessions.
The prices for top up sessions are:

Cost per Hour: £5  Half a Day (8.45-11.45am/12.30-3.30pm): £15.00

2.45-3.30pm: £3.73 (£18.75 per week)

If you are interested in topping up then please speak to a member of the Foundation Team.  More information on 30hours funding can be found by clicking on the following link:

30 hours free childcare scheme

If you do qualify for 30 hours funding you will need a code and this code needs to be reconfirmed every three months.  You will receive a message from HMRC to reconfirm your code 4 weeks and 2 weeks before the code expires.